Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Your Ordinary Saturday Mornings

"We can’t wait for our Saturday mornings to be finally free…no need to wake up early…no need to spend much of our Saturday mornings to teach kids…"

These were probably what most of us have in mind during the NSTP insertions we had. Even though we didn’t mention it out loud or that we didn’t show it in our actions, we were thinking of it on the thought bubble. Most acted as if they were willing to do the effort of helping others just because of the grade, in short, wanted to put on a good show. (Although we cannot deny the fact there are also a good number who were really willing.)

But most of us, whether we admit it or not, were part of that larger group of the "unwilling".

But before one comes to conclusion, we must give emphasis on the “were” action verb. It is a past plural action. Yes we were guilty of that. But you know what, along the process; we have come to appreciate it.

There were times when the students came running to us just to greet us as we arrived in the school. A time where some grade four kids called you ate or kuya. Shared jokes and be your close friend. Gave you a warming smile and heart felt hug.
Those little things, those simple gestures made all the difference. It made it all worth it. We started to look forward to seeing them every Saturday morning. Just to play games, share knowledge, and simply to get to know them.

These didn’t happen overnight though. It was a slow progress. It was all the NSTP block mates, facilitators and especially the kids who made it happen. Everything and everyone was a factor. And the Man who made it all work, who blessed us to experience this opportunity, GOD.

Let’s start with the NSTP blockmates. If you have seen, we were bonded. There were no cliques or groups of people who isolated themselves from the rest. Nobody was left out. We felt that we belong. And it’s not just in NSTP, but even in school, we still say "hi" and "hello".

With the facilitator, even though we seldom see Ate Boots, she never failed to visit and check up on us. If we visit her at OSCI, she accommodates us. When she’s not there, she still returns our messages either thru email or text. As for Ate Ana and Ate Kathy, they were always present. We may be adults who seem not needy of supervision anymore, but the Ate's were still there which shows that they are also making an effort to wake up early just like us, for us. We create good “friendships” with them.

Another factor is the kids. They were the ones who made NSTP extra-special. It’s the feeling when a kid depends on you. We know it doesn’t sound or feel right. What we teach them may not be enough to really make a difference in their academics, but every time we can see that they are interested and that they learned something from us, a different HAPPY and SATISFIED light feeling suddenly brushes through our nerves. It’s the best gift or payback they could give to us in return for teaching them. Even though our NSTP ended, the friendship with the kids still continued on. We YM each other or share contact numbers.

And last is everything. Meaning the planning, playing of the games, riding of jeep or tricycle, NSTP processing and masses, whether recollection or ordinary mass, projects and who could forget the NSTP parties, like Christmas, the last day of insertions etc. All of this contributed to a great NSTP experience we would never forget.

God have planned all this to happen to us and we couldn’t be grateful enough. He bought us all together. HE made us see, realized, reflect, act and love. WE know that it doesn’t finish with NSTP; we will carry on With God beside us to wherever we may go. We will share the LOVE inside and outside of NSTP to everyone.

Our NSTP experience surely, is a huge part of our college life!

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